This is what our customers are doing with AS-Lingo:
They have fully automated their payment procedures
They are claiming their incoming payments by an efficient arrears processing system
They are using the SEPA banking procedure for payments and direct debiting across the EU
They are calculating and debiting the interest on their customer’s overdrafts
They are calculating and crediting the interest on their supplier’s deposits
They are crediting their supplier’s salesforce with commission for the sale of insurance policies and supplying them with the credit notes as digital downloads
They are automating the billing processes of mass sales-events
They are swiftly approaching a non-paper environment in many departments by dragging and dropping scanned documents and attachments directly where they belong: in the transaction posted in AS-Lingo
They attach documents, notes, emails, telephone calls, images, meeting minutes, proposals, contracts, debit-/credit-notes and even audio recordings to customers or suppliers concerned – on a timeline. That’s the basic information that AS-Lingo needs to give these customers the best possible basis for their CRM
Some of them export data to their tax advisory office to keep track of and controls their tax liabilities
Some also export to and import from Other Software Manufacturers (OSMs) like PeopleSoft, SAP, Hyperion and others using the powerful AS-Lingo data interface
They have total control of all their data because they can drill down from any level of information to the most detailed level – for example from an item in the balance sheet, to the accounts, to the documents, to the single posting, to the descriptions for each posting, including all the attachments (media or all kinds of other files like PDFs)
They (each user) can edit and adapt their input screens to their needs as they may be entering transactions of varying formats